Silver Spray Metallizing Machine is a new revolutionary water based
coating system which has a set of equipment with dual spray guns and
chemicals. The coating system is very simple to apply on any materials
such as Wood, Metal, Glass, Plastic, Rubber, Fibreglass, Ceramic, Stone,
Plaster, Clay, Polystyrene etc and produces a mirror like chrome finishes
on almost any kind of surface. It is a kind of highly developed technology
of spray coating substituting traditional electroplating technology with its
distinct characters of no heavy metal. Not only, you get a Gold finish look
also there are Silver, Chrome, Blue, Green, Bronze, Violet and many more
color finish available. This type of coating system is used in where
conventional plating technologies are unsuitable due to cost, size, design,
substrate or environmental issues. The system is currently used in almost
all types of production line and decorative applications. It has maximum
mobility and uses a very little space of the workshop.
1) Profit potential
2) No size limitation
3) Applicable to almost any substrate – like plastic, polyurethane foam, metal, wood, fibre, glass, Styrofoam, gypsum, ceramic, etc.
4) Have excellent physical characters of climate resistance, adhesiveness and water resistance
5) A wide range of metalized recent colours
6) Environmentally safe alternative water based process with no toxic metals
Three coating and three firing process of Silver Spray Metalizing